
Nate Jackson

Owner and Operator

USAW Sports Performance Coach
Weight Management Specialist
Former Football and Crossfit Athlete


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My dedication to fitness is rooted in a lifelong journey through athletics. From my experiences in high school and college, I wholeheartedly embraced the training regimens before and during the seasons. I saw these moments as opportunities to elevate myself as an athlete, gaining a competitive edge over my opponents. Additionally, having faced and overcome significant injuries, I intimately understand the importance of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and the resilience required for a strong physical and mental comeback.

Throughout my tenure as a Fitness Coach, I have honed my ability to work with individuals of different goals, ages, backgrounds, and body types, recognizing and respecting the uniqueness of each person. My primary emphasis lies in mastering the fundamental aspects of efficient body movement, prioritizing posture and maximizing range of motion for everyone I work with.

As a trainer, my purpose is to cultivate a well-rounded individual, focusing on the development of strength, mental toughness, muscle endurance, flexibility, mobility, and more. I aim to be a source of motivation and inspiration, guiding you towards consistent progress aligned with your goals. Let’s embark on this journey together in making Fitness and Wellness an integral part of your Life!!


-Greg Amundson

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